The View from the Empty Nest — Week 7

Oct 27, 2020

Wow — that week passed quickly. Maybe that is a good sign, maybe I am getting used to my new life…a little bit anyway. It was helped by the excitement of seeing my babies at the end of the week.

I have taken next week off work, an annual leave week, so this week has been so busy with getting everything sorted. Being busy obviously helps with coping with an empty nest but doing nothing but work every day does not help with the work / life balance. I am continuing to think hard about my future work plans and am a bit clearer in my mind. I need to start looking at exactly want I want career wise and what I need to get there. Getting the balance right is the hardest thing for me and my mind to work out.

My anxiety is getting really bad at the moment and the increasing second wave of the pandemic is helping it to escalate. My weekly mindfulness course has really helped and I must try to practice more often. I need to put it onto my daily routine as I know it will help. The one minute practices are easy to fit into your day. The full body scan practice is very relaxing but needs a bit more time and a bigger window in my diary. I am hoping mindfulness is going to be a useful tool for me.

The empty bedrooms are ready for my babies to visit and the food has been delivered –roll on week 8

